Friday, 19 October 2012

Candlelit Breakfast

Here we are at Friday again. Can't quite believe it. The weeks are flying past at the moment! Doesn't seem a minute since last Friday when I spent the morning in my PJs baking little F's Birthday cake.

It's very gloomy here this morning so I lit a little candle for us to eat our breakfast by. For a 2 year old my son has quite sophisticated taste as he loves it when we light candles while eating. I guess it's the pretty flickery light. I can't wait to see what his reaction to all the Christmas lights is going to be this year. I reckon this will be the first Christmas where he will be properly excited by it and may even remember some parts of it in years to come. I can certainly remember some things when I was two.

Despite the gloom and drizzle we're going to venture out and about this morning. We have library books to return and I desperately need to buy a new iron as ours decided to drastically overheat and die on us last Sunday while lovely S was in the middle of ironing his work shirts. Luckily he was on his last one but it was completely ruined and our ironing board is now sporting a lovely black iron shaped mark right in the middle of it. He was not impressed! Apart from needing the ironing to get on with the general ironing pile(yes I am a bit of an ironing freak and even do my teatowels!) I also want to spend tomorrow morning while S and F are out on their usual Saturday morning 'boys time' completing new curtains for Little F's room so that I can move his current ones into babies room. My super Daddy put up the blackout blind and curtain pole in babies room yesterday so I really want to get the curtains up now as that will really start to pull things together in there. I promise I will share pictures once it's all done.

I just wanted to say thanks for all the lovely baby blanket comments. You're all so kind. I know how busy everyone is but I do so love to hear from you all.

Have a lovely weekend.



Vintage Sheet Addict said...

It's beautiful he'd today, my youngest is off school today, inset day, so we are going to have a walk to the shops, via the river! We will make every effort to walk at the side of it, not in it! Have a great weekend! Ada :)

magie said...

It is gloomy weather wise here as well..I need to start digging out the stash of candles as well.
Happy share a photo of the curtains you make, would love to see them :)
Have a lovely weekend x

Tilly Mint Crafts said...

Have just started to read your blog, it is lovely. Would love to see your curtains. Have a wonderful weekend

tlcukjourney said...

I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well! Good luck shopping and I think it's precious that your son loves the lit candles! Maybe he will grow up to be a romantic!

Josie-Mary said...

How lovely to have a candlelit breakfast :) x


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